Also See Dawson, PA: ZIP Codes & Maps
The Borough of Dawson had a population of 340 as of July 1, 2024.
The primary coordinate point for Dawson is located at latitude 40.047 and longitude -79.6545 in Fayette County. The formal boundaries for the Borough of Dawson encompass a land area of 0.16 sq. miles and a water area of 0.05 sq. miles. Fayette County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5).
The Borough of Dawson has a C5 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent. It also has a Functional Status Code of "A" which identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions.
The Borough of Dawson is located within Township of Lower Tyrone, a minor civil division (MCD) of Fayette County.
Total Population | 340 (100%) |
Population in Households | 340 (100.0%) |
Population in Families | 276 (81.2%) |
Population in Group Quarters1 | 0 |
Population Density | 1,965 |
Diversity Index2 | 14 |
Median Household Income | $59,167 |
Average Household Income | $65,897 |
% of Income for Mortgage4 | 8% |
Per Capita Income | $27,328 |
Wealth Index5 | 42 |
Socioeconomic Status Index6 | Moderate (47.1) |
Total HU (Housing Units) | 163 (100%) |
Owner Occupied HU | 117 (71.8%) |
Renter Occupied HU | 24 (14.7%) |
Vacant Housing Units | 22 (13.5%) |
Median Home Value | $78,977 |
Average Home Value | $119,658 |
Housing Affordability Index3 | 285 |
Total Households | 141 |
Average Household Size | 2.41 |
Family Households | 93 |
Average Family Size | 3.00 |
2020-2024 | 2024-2029 |
Population | -0.81% | -0.54% |
Households | -0.66% | -0.14% |
Families | -1.32% | |
Median Household Income | 2.80% | |
Per Capita Income | 3.71% | |
Owner Occupied HU | -0.52% |
The table below compares Dawson to the other 2,002 incorporated cities, towns and CDPs in Pennsylvania by rank and percentile using July 1, 2024 data. The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value. A location that ranks higher than 75% of its peers would be in the 75th percentile of the peer group.
Variable Description | Rank | Percentile |
Total Population | # 1539 | 23rd |
Population Density | # 718 | 64th |
Median Household Income | # 1358 | 32nd |
Housing Affordability Index | # 1988 | 99th |
Per Capita Income | # 1780 | 11th |
Diversity Index | # 1397 | 30th |
Additional comparisons and rankings can be made with a VERY EASY TO USE Pennsylvania Census Data Comparison Tool.
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